

张丽晗,河北沧州人,中共党员,河北工业大学经济管理学院工程管理系讲师,硕士生导师,“元光学者”人才引进。本科、硕士毕业于天津大学工程管理系,博士毕业于英国曼彻斯特大学项目管理系。主持或参与过多项国家级科研项目,担任工程管理权威国际期刊审稿人,期刊包括Journal of Management in Engineering [SCI]、Journal of Construction Engineering and Management [SCI]、Project Management Journal [SSCI]、Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management [SCI/SSCI]等。






1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,事件驱动下的工程项目合同治理与关系治理动态交互机理研究,2021-01至2023-12,主持。

2. 河北建设集团委托项目,河北建设集团集采供应链竞争力及其实现机制研究,2020-05至2021-04,主持。

3. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,重大工程项目风险识别、度量与控制的理论与方法研究,2013-01至2017-12,参加。

4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于广义纳什协商解的工程争端谈判研究,2012-01至2015-12,参加。




1.        Zhenyang Xu, Wenxue Lu, Lihan Zhang*, Wenqian Guo. (In press). Cooperate or Compete? Attributional Perspective for Interorganizational Conflicts in Construction Projects with Trust as a Moderator. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. DOI: 10.1109/TEM.2024.3506790 [SCI/EI]

2.        Chenglong Xu, Yongqiang Chen, Hongjiang Yao*, Lihan Zhang. (2024). The Opportunism-inhibiting Effects of the Alignment between Engineering Project Characteristics and Contractual Governance: Paired Data from Contract Text-Mining and Survey. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 71, 15110-15124. [SCI/EI]

3.        Lihan Zhang, Tianhuan Ding, Yongcheng Fu*. (In press). Do measurement methods matter? A meta-analysis of antecedents and outcomes of contractual governance in interorganisational relationships. Production Planning & Control. DOI: 10.1080/09537287.2023.2255869 [SCI]

4.        Wenqian Guo, Wenxue Lu, Wenrui Cao, Lihan Zhang*. (2024). Understanding the effect of contractual complexity on regulatory focus in construction projects: The moderating role of organizational culture. Construction Management and Economics, 42(11-12), 992-1011. [EI]

5.        张丽晗, 娄建民, 郭文倩*, 徐振洋. 冲突归因与调节焦点对工程冲突解决行为的影响研究. 工程管理学报, 2024, 38(4): 113-117.

6.        Lihan Zhang, Yongcheng Fu*, Jingyi Lai, Yongqiang Chen. (2024). Complements or substitutes? Recipes of contract design, contract enforcement, and trust for enhanced project performance. International Journal of Project Management, 42(3), 102587. [SSCI]

7.        Peiwen Wang, Wenxue Lu, Lihan Zhang*. (2024). How to achieve better cooperation and performance in construction projects: A perspective of inter-organizational conflict profiles. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 71, 5885-5898. [SCI/EI]

8.        Wenqian Guo, Wenxue Lu, Fei Kang, Lihan Zhang*. (2024). How to foster relational behavior in construction projects: Direct and mediating effects of contractual complexity and regulatory focus. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 150(4), 04024011. [SCI/EI]

9.        Sitong Ren, Wenxue Lu, Lihan Zhang, Wenqian Guo*. (2024). When does familiarity manifest its dark side in the construction industry: Moderating roles of task uncertainty and dependence asymmetry. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 71, 2281-2295. [SCI/EI]

10.      Lihan Zhang, Jianmin Lou, Yongcheng Fu*, Tianhuan Ding. (2024). Impacts of management approaches on conflict resolution satisfaction: Conflict strength matters. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 28(6), 2091-2104. [SCI/EI]

11.      Lihan Zhang, Yongcheng Fu*, Wenxue Lu, Jian Liu. (2023). Toward an event-oriented conceptualization of conflict: Reflections on three decades of conflict research. International Journal of Conflict Management, 34(3), 489-510. [SSCI]

12.      Lihan Zhang, Hongjiang Yao*, Yongcheng Fu, Yongqiang Chen. (2023). Comparing subjective and objective measurements of contract complexity in influencing construction project performance: Survey versus machine learning. Journal of Management in Engineering, 39(4), 04023017. [SCI/EI]

13.      Lihan Zhang, Yan Gao, Wenxue Lu, Wenqian Guo*. (2023). The influence of conflict event strength on interorganizational cooperation: Moderating roles of contractual complexity and trust. Journal of Business Research, 159, 113750. [SSCI]

14.      Yongcheng Fu, Chenglong Xu, Lihan Zhang*, Yongqiang Chen. (2023). Control, coordination, and adaptation functions in construction contracts: A machine-coding model. Automation in Construction, 152, 104890. [SCI]

15.      Yongcheng Fu, Lihan Zhang*, Yongqiang Chen. (2022). Coping with institutional complexity and voids: An organization design perspective for transnational interorganizational projects. Project Management Journal, 53(1), 49-66. [SSCI][荣获该期刊2023年度最佳论文奖]

16.      Lihan Zhang, Yongcheng Fu*, Wenxue Lu. (2021). Contract enforcement for claimants’ satisfaction with construction dispute resolution: Moderating role of shadow of the future, fairness perception, and trust. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 147(2), 04020168. [SCI/EI]

17.      Peipei Wang, Lihan Zhang*, Kun Wang, Peter Fenn. (2021). Aetiology and progression of construction disputes towards a predictive model. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 25(4), 1131-1143. [SCI/EI]

18.      Ling Yan, Lihan Zhang*. (2020). Interplay of contractual governance and trust in improving construction project performance: Dynamic perspective. Journal of Management in Engineering, 36(4), 04020029. [SCI/EI]

